Here are some quick tips to contacting your representatives

Email, phone call, social media, in person

What to include:

  • Approval/opposition of the topic in the Subject field

  • Be as concise and direct as possible

  • Include bill number or name if possible

  • Identify yourself by profession if relevant

  • Include how your day to day life/business is being/will be impacted

  • End with clear request

  • Thank them for their time and consideration/attention.


Contact Your Representatives

President of the United States: Donald J. Trump
The White House Facebook page
(202) 456-1111

U.S. Senator WI: Ron Johnson
Contact Ron Johnson
Senator Ron Johnson’s Facebook page
(202) 224-5323

U.S. Senator WI: Tammy Baldwin
Contact Tammy Baldwin
Senator Tammy Baldwin's Facebook page
(202) 224-5653

U.S. Representative: Tony Wied
Contact Tony Wied
Congressman’s Tony Wied’s Facebook page
(920) 301-4500 or (202) 225-5665

Wisconsin Senate District 1: Andre Jacque
Contact Andre Jacque
Senator Andre Jacque’s Facebook page
(608) 266-3512

WI Assembly District 1: Joel Kitchens
Contact Joel Kitchens
State Representative Joel Kitchens Facebook page
(608) 266-5350

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers
Contact Tony Evers
Governor Tony Evers Facebook page
(608) 266-1212

In addition:
One complimentary copy of the official Directory of Door County (a listing of contact information for county, city, village and town officials) can be picked up at the County Clerk’s office at the Door County government building. This directory is also online at the Door County Government Website