LWV of Door County
Nonpartisan Policy

The League of Women Voters of Door County is nonpartisan.  As an organization, it does not support or oppose candidates for public office.  We take action on public policy positions established through member study and agreement. We are political, but we do not support or oppose any political party or candidate.
The League believes that political parties are essential to the American system of government and that the participation of informed citizens is beneficial to the political parties and to the system. Consequently, the League encourages its members as individuals to be active in the political parties, in finding and supporting candidates for public office, and in seeking election to public office. This creates the challenge of filling League leadership roles while having active participation in local government.
A Leadership Team member may serve on any public board, commission, committee, or coalition; however, that Leadership Team member does not represent the League unless officially designated as a League representative by the League Leadership Team.
The political activities of a spouse or relative of a Leadership Team member should be considered separate and distinct from the activities of the Leadership Team member.
The number of local elected officials shall not be a majority of the membership of the Leadership Team or Executive Committee. Acting in League’s interest at Leadership Team meetings shall take priority. The official shall abstain from any policy and action decisions that are related to the governmental body of which they are a member.
The Chair, Action and Voter Service Coordinators, and the Master of Ceremony, moderator, and question screeners of candidate forums whose positions are deemed sensitive shall not participate in the following activities:

  • Making financial contributions to candidates and/or political parties unless they are made anonymously.

  • Participating in behind-the-scenes efforts for candidates, such as telephoning, stuffing envelopes, writing position papers, etc.;

  • Publicly supporting a candidate for elected office.

  • Circulating nominating petitions; Exception: petitions for referendums supporting league positions can be circulated.

  • Hosting events for candidates seeking political office and/or nonpartisan office;

  • Attending fundraising functions for candidates or political parties;

  • Holding office in another organization that supports or opposes political parties or candidates.

“Vote! It Counts!” signs may be displayed only if no candidate or political party signs are present.  They can be displayed with referendum signs which support League positions.
In all other political activity, Leadership Team members shall participate to the extent that League nonpartisanship is maintained. A Leadership Team member shall consult with the Leadership Team to determine if there is a conflict of interest.  When a Leadership Team member decides to resign from their sensitive position due to a conflict, a press release will be issued by the League. Leadership Team members in especially sensitive positions, or who are widely known in the county as League leaders, shall exert special care in their own activity to guard the League's nonpartisanship.
*These are definitions from the national website for use in clarification during our board discussion.
POSITION: A statement of the League's point of view on an issue, arrived at through member study and agreement (consensus or concurrence), approved by the appropriate board and used as a basis for League action.
CONSENSUS: Collective opinion of a substantial number of League members, representative of the membership as a whole, after objective study of an issue.

CONCURRENCE: Agreement by League members with a position on an issue reached by a small group of members or by another League.