The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. We never support or oppose any political party or candidate.
The League of Women Voters has three separate and distinct roles:
Voter Service
We make voting easier through varied voter education programs and encouraging citizen participation.
Citizen Education & Studies
We study national, state, and local issues in an unbiased manner and provide information on how citizens can influence public policy
We take a stand on issues when supported by league positions.
Upcoming Candidate Forums are listed on the Candidate Forums page.
LWV DC conducts candidate forums when requested by a candidate or member of the public, if agreed to by at least two candidates.
Candidate forums have been held in Door County for county, town and village offices, as-well-as the Wisconsin 1st Assembly District.
Voters Service/Citizen Information activity is directed toward encouraging citizens to register and vote and to participate in government and politics. League does this by providing factual information about voting procedures, candidates and ballot issues. When the League has a position on any issue, separate material is published to promote the League's stand.
Some of the Voters Service projects involve:
Compiling and distributing Candidates answers which gives information about candidates who have filed for office and about ballot issues
-Conducting voter registration drives
-Sponsoring live and recorded candidate forums
-Welcoming new citizens and offering them voter information at naturalization ceremonies
-Speaking to school and community groups about voting procedures and ways to be informed as a voter.Description text goes here
One of the best ways to improve the quality of government is to “put it in the spotlight.” Sometimes videotaping governmental meetings can accomplish this, but most government business occurs without this watchful eye. League has long believed in the value of an observer corps whose job it is to stay abreast of issues by maintaining a presence at as many government meetings as possible. Becoming an observer is a perfect opportunity for someone to have an impact simply by attending one meeting per month.
We believe there are benefits not only to the observers, our organization, and the community, but to the board or committee being observed as well. Our role is to gather information. We learn about what the governmental body is doing, we learn about the issues facing our community, and we are empowered to take action, if warranted and supported by previously determined League positions. We also learn how issues are being addressed. The League promotes government openness, transparency and accountability as vital to a healthy democracy.
More details coming soon….
DEI - Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
MH/SU - Mental Health/Substance Use
Voter Services
No one should have to forego voting because they can’t afford a ride to their polling place. Unfortunately, there are people out there for whom this is a reality.
The LWVDC is collaborating with the Door County Transportation Department to help anyone in this county who needs help with getting to the polls to vote early or on election day.
The Door County League will pick up the cost of rides to the polls and back home.
To access this service, please contact Pam Busch, 746-5982, or email her at pbusch@co.door.wi.us . Wheelchair transport, and help with “curbside voting” are available. If you wish to utilize curbside voting, contact your municipal clerk to request curbside voting and arrange a time. Once you arrive at your polling place, call the clerk again who will come out to assist you.
Municipal clerk information is listed in every issue of the Peninsula Pulse, and is also available at https://www.co.door.wi.gov/241/County-Municipalities
We encourage young people in Door County to become voters on their 18th birthday. Take a look at the postcard mailed to Door County's youth when they turn 18: Sample Card
The League of Women Voters is an action group. However, it may take action only on issues which have been extensively studied and on which the members are agreed. One of the reasons for the political effectiveness of the League is its reputation for thorough study.
Action includes providing information to members and the public, building public opinion, supporting or opposing legislation.
Complete facts, the pros and cons, are researched before acting. Members study and discuss the issues in small units so that everyone has an opportunity to express an opinion.
When a position is reached, the League (and members as individuals) work to implement that position. Action methods include lobbying state legislative committee members, testifying at public hearings, use of public forums and the media, panel discussion, League publications and letters to public officials. It is the responsibility of the League Board to direct and plan League Action.
Equality Day Parade
Drug Treatment Court Presentation
Presentation - “Could You Pass the Citizen Test?”
Lively Issues Discussion
County Board District 20 Primary Candidate Forum
Interviews of County American Rescue Plan Funds proposals
STRIDE presentation on mental services in our schools
Final Five Voting
Door County Board Districts 2, 4, and 5 Candidate Forum
Door County Board Districts 9, 11, and 14 Candidate Forum
Crisis Intervention Partnership Community Workshop
Continuum of Care for Mental Health
Annual Meeting: Speaker on State Infrastructure Report Card from ASCE
Harvard Case Study Method Presentation